Also known as Anthony Graham, Bunny Graham, Bunny Tom Tom.
Appears on
Albums engineered by Crucial Bunny
Mixing Engineer
- Abyssinians - Declaration Of Dub [1972-76]
- Al Campbell - Freedom Street [1984]
- Barrington Levy - Open Book [1982-84]
- Big Youth - A Luta Continua [1984]
- Bingy Bunny - Me And Jane [1982]
- Black Uhuru - Sinsemilla [1980]
- Blackstones - Insight [1979]
- Crucial Bunny Vs Prince Jammy - Fat Man Dub Contest [1979]
- Crucial Bunny vs Scientist - Dub Duel [1982]
- Desi Roots - Doing It Right [1980]
- Earl Cunningham - Earl Cunningham [1983]
- Earl Zero - Visions Of Love [1979]
- Frankie Paul & Cocoa Tea - Showdown Vol 8 [1986]
- Freddie McGregor - Freddie McGregor [1987]
- Freddie McGregor - Mr McGregor [1979]
- Gregory Isaacs - All I Have Is Love, Love, Love [1986]
- Heptones - On The Run [1982]
- Ijahman & Madge - I Do [1986]
- King Tubby & Scientist & Bunny Tom Tom - King Tubby Studio verses Channel One Studio [197X]
- Little John - Give The Youth A Try [1983]
- Michael Prophet - Cease & Settle [1985-87]
- Mike Brooks - Rum Drinker [197X]
- Mutabaruka - Outcry [1984]
- Pablo Moses - Tension [1985]
- Prince Junior - On Top [1980]
- R. Zee Jackson - Trodding [197X]
- Revolutionaries - Dawn Of Creation [197X]
- Revolutionaries - Top Ranking Dub [1978]
- Roots Radics Meet Mighty Revolutionaires - Outernational Riddim [1980]
- Super Cat - Boops ! [1986]
- The Rolands - Johnny Dollar [1982]
- U Brown - Weather Baloon [1978]
- Yabby You - The Yabby You Sound Dubs & Versions [197X]
- Zimbabwe Dread - Earthman Connection [1978]
Recording Engineer
- Chalice - Crossfire [1986]
- Horace Martin - You've Changed [1986]
- I-Mo-Jah - Rockers From The Land Of Reggae [1982]
- K.C. White - Showcase [198X]
- Martin Mandingo Williams - Afrikan History [1983]
- Maytones - One Way [1979]
- Michael Prophet - Settle Yu Fe Settle [1987]
- Pad Anthony & Frankie Jones - Hell In The Dance [1986]
- Peter Broggs - Progressive Youth [1979]
- Phillip Fullwood & Winston McKenzie - Words In Dub [1979]
- Ranking Barnabas - The Cold Crusher [197X]
- Revolutionaires - Dial M For Murder In Dub Style [1980]
- Revolutionaries - Dawn Of Creation [197X]
- Scientist - Scientist Meets The Space Invaders [1981]
- Sly & Robbie - Dub Rockers Delight [1982]
- Super Cat - Boops ! [1986]
- Tullo - Tullo At Home [1982]
- Various Artists - Africa Iron Gate Showcase [1982]
- Various Artists - Jamaica's Reggae Stars [1978-83]
- Voice Of Progress - Mini Bus Driver [1982]
- Al Campbell - Bad Boy [1984]
- Al Campbell - Forward Natty [1985]
- Al Campbell - Rainy Days [1978]
- Barbara Jones - Don't Stop Loving Me [1979]
- Barrington Levy - Teach Me Culture [1983]
- Big Youth - A Luta Continua [1984]
- Carlton Livingston - Trodding Through The Jungle [1983]
- Charlie Chaplin - Quenchie [198X]
- Clancy Eccles - Joshua's Rod Of Correction [1967-83]
- Coco Tea - Mr. Coco Tea [1985]
- Colour Man - Kick Up Rumpus [1986]
- Cornell Campbell - Money [1983]
- Crucial Bunny vs Scientist - Dub Duel [1982]
- Cultural Roots - Drift Away From Evil [1982]
- Cultural Roots - Revolutionary Sounds [1978]
- David Isaacs - More Love [1979]
- Dean Fraser - A Touch Of Dean [1978]
- Dennis Brown - Spellbound [1980]
- Dennis Brown & Gregory Isaacs - Judge Not [1984]
- Derrick Harriott - Born To Love You [1979]
- Desi Roots - Doing It Right [1980]
- Don Carlos - Harvest Time [1982]
- Don Carlos vs Earl Cunningham - Prison Oval Clash [1980]
- Don Carlos & Gold - Never Run Away [1984]
- Don Carlos & Gold - Raving Tonight [1983]
- Earl Sixteen - Songs For A Reason [1983]
- Earl Sixteen - Songs Of Love And Hardship [1984]
- Earl Sixteen - Special Request [1981-84]
- Earl Zero - Visions Of Love [1979]
- Ethiopian - Open The Gate Of Zion [1978]
- Fatman Riddim Section - Fatman Reddim Section Meets Downtown Horns At Channel One [1979]
- Freddie McGregor - Across The Border [1984]
- Freddie McGregor - Zion Chant [1979-81]
- George Faith - Loving Something [1978]
- Gladiators - Dreadlocks The Time Is Now [1976-79]
- Gladiators - Sweet So Till [1979]
- Glen Brown - The Way To Mount Zion [1969-76]
- Glen Brown & King Tubby - Termination Dub [1973-79]
- Gregory Isaacs - Cool Ruler Soon Forward Selection [1978-79]
- Gregory Isaacs - Soon Forward [1979]
- Half Pint - In Fine Style [1984]
- Heptones - Back On Top [1983]
- Heptones - Deep In The Roots [197X]
- Heptones - Heptones Dictionary [197X]
- Jah Lloyd - Black Moses [1979]
- Jah Thomas - Lyrics For Sale [198X]
- Johnny Osbourne - Warrior [1981]
- Joseph Cotton - Dancehall Days [1976-84]
- Joy White - Sentimental Reasons [1978]
- Junior Delgado - More She Love It [1981]
- Junior Reid & Don Carlos - Firehouse Clash [1986]
- K.C. White - Try A Little Happiness [1982]
- K.C. White - Try A Little Happiness [198X]
- Ken Boothe - Who Gets Your Love [1979]
- King Sounds & Israelites - Forward [1981]
- King Sounds & Israelites - There Is A Reward [198X]
- Knowledge - Stumbling Block [1982]
- Lacksley Castell - Morning Glory [1982]
- Lambert Douglas - Living Man [1977]
- Leroy Sibbles - Now [1980]
- Leroy Smart - Let Everyman Survive [1979]
- Leroy Smart - On Top [1983]
- Leroy Smart With Roots Radix & Friends - Leroy Smart with Roots Radix and Friends [1983]
- Lloyd Parks - Time A Go Dread [197X]
- Lone Ranger - Hi-Yo, Silver, Away ! [1982]
- Maytones - Funny Man [1973-76]
- Maytones - Their Greatest Hits [197X]
- Michael Palmer - Angella [1984]
- Michael Prophet - Cease & Settle [1985-87]
- Michael Prophet - Cease Fire [1984]
- Michael Prophet - Jah Love [1983]
- Mighty Diamonds - Deeper Roots + Dub [1979]
- Mighty Diamonds - Go Seek Your Rights [1976-79]
- Mighty Diamonds - Indestructible [1981]
- Mighty Diamonds - Reggae Street [1981]
- Mutabaruka - Outcry [1984]
- Nicodemus - Nuff Respect [1984]
- Nigger Kojak & Liza - Showcase [197X]
- Overnight Players - Babylon Destruction [1981]
- Pablo Moses - Tension [1985]
- Prince Far I - Jamaican Heroes [1980]
- Prince Far I - Megabit 25, 1922 [1985]
- Prince Far I Meet Veros Artis - In Ram Packed Showcase In A Suitcase [1980]
- Prince Hammer - World War Dub Part 1 [1979]
- Prince Lincoln Thompson & Royal Rasses - Ride With The Rasses [1982]
- Revolutionaries - Goldmine Dub [1979]
- Revolutionaries - Macca Rootsman Dub [197X]
- Revolutionaries - Phase 1 Dubwise Vol 1&2 [197X]
- Ringo - Two Coxman [1981]
- Rod Taylor - If Jah Should Come Now [1979]
- Sammy Dread - Early Days [198X]
- Scientist - Dub Landing [1981]
- Scientist Meets Roots Radics - Scientist Meets The Roots Radics [1981]
- Sly Dunbar - Sly, Wicked And Slick [1979]
- Sly & Robbie - Disco Dub [1979]
- Sly & Robbie - Gamblers Choice [198X]
- Soferno B - Soferno B In Dub 1980 Style [1979]
- Stanley Beckford - Gypsy Woman [1979]
- Sugar Minott - Black Roots [1980]
- The Rolands - Johnny Dollar [1982]
- Tony Tuff - Presenting Mr Tuff [1981]
- Trinity - Hold Your Corner [1987]
- Twinkle Brothers - Burden Bearer [1983]
- Various Artists - Clancy Eccles Reggae Revue At The Carib Theatre [1973-86]
- Various Artists - Family Album [1980]
- Various Artists - Grapevine Records Vault Classics Vol 1 [1979-85]
- Various Artists - Ital Observer Style [1983]
- Various Artists - Nexus Dub [1967-80]
- Various Artists - RAS Records Presents A Reggae Christmas [1984]
- Various Artists - Rock On [1983]
- Various Artists - Roots Of Dance Hall [197X]
- Various Artists - Street Corner Ital Food [1979]
- Various Artists - Sufferation [197X]
- Wailing Souls - Stranded [1984]
- Willy Williams - Messenger Man [1980]
- Willy Williams - Unity [1986]
- Winston Francis - Just Once [198X]
- Winston Jarrett - Wise Man [1979]
- Winston McAnuff - What The Man A Deal Wid [1978]
- Yabby U - Jah Jah Way [1980]