- 100 Years Of Dub [Joe Gibbs & Professionals - 1975-78]
- 12'' Reggae Discomix Showcase Vol. 1 [Joe Gibbs - 197X]
- 12'' Reggae Discomix Showcase Vol. 3 [Joe Gibbs - 197X]
- 12'' Reggae Discomix Showcase Vol. 4 [Joe Gibbs - 197X]
- 12'' Reggae Discomix Showcase Vol. 5 [Joe Gibbs - 197X]
- 22 Karat Vol 2 [Al Campbell - 1974-83]
- A Little Bit More [Dennis Brown - 1978-83]
- A Touch Of Dean [Dean Fraser - 1978]
- Africa Iron Gate Showcase [Various Artists - 1982]
- Africa Must Be Free By 1983 [Hugh Mundell - 1978]
- Africa Must Be Free By 1983 + Dub [Hugh Mundell - 1978]
- African Anthem [Mikey Dread - 1979]
- African Dub All-Mighty [Joe Gibbs - 1975]
- African Dub All-Mighty Chapter 3 [Joe Gibbs - 1978]
- African Dub Chapter 4 [Joe Gibbs & Professionals - 1979]
- African Herbsman [I Roy - 1979]
- Again [Captain Sinbad - 198X]
- Are You Ready [Jimmy Reid - 1985]
- Arise [Abyssinians - 1978]
- At King Tubby's Dub Plate Specials [Niney - 1973-75]
- Baby Come Rock [Wailing Souls - 1982]
- Bad Boy Skanking [Yellowman & Fathead - 1982]
- Bad Card [Trinity - 1981]
- Baldhead Bridge [Culture - 1978]
- Barry [Barry Brown - 197X]
- Barry Brown Meets Cornell Campbell [Barry Brown Meets Cornell Campbell - 197X]
- Be My Lady [Frankie Paul - 1984]
- Bible [Prince Hammer - 1978]
- Big Bamboo [Stanley Beckford & Turbines - 1981]
- Black Horn Man [Dean Fraser - 1978]
- Boat To Progress [Various Artists - 1970-74]
- Born Jamaica [The Astronaughts - 1982]
- Bunny Lee Presents Dubbing In The Front Yard & Conflict Dub [Bunny Lee - 1977-82]
- Burning Black [Sons Of Jah - 1979]
- Buro [Buro - 1983]
- Bush Doctor [Peter Tosh - 1978]
- By The Look In Your Eyes [Mr Enos McCloud - 1983]
- Changes [Mighty Diamonds - 1981]
- Chant Down Babylon Kingdom [Yabby You - 1976]
- Check The Winner [Various Artists - 1970-74]
- Children Of Jah [Chantells & Friends - 1977-79]
- Classic Gold [Dennis Brown - 197X]
- Classical Roots [Monyaka - 1983]
- Clive Hunt Ruff'N'Tuff [Various Artists - 1982]
- Collection [Jah Woosh - 1972-76]
- Come Zion Side Happiness [King Sounds - 1979]
- Cornbread [Dillinger - 1978]
- Culture And The Deejays At Joe Gibbs [Culture & Friends - 1977-79]
- Cup Of Tea [Dillinger - 1980]
- D.J. Clash [Little Harry & Billy Boyo & Nicodemus - 1983]
- Dance A Dub [Junior Delgado - 1978]
- Declaration Of Dub [Abyssinians - 1972-76]
- Deeper Roots Part 2 [Yabby You & Prophets - 197X]
- Dennis [Dennis Brown - 197X]
- DJ Clash vol 2 [Little Harry & Billy Boyo - 1983]
- DJ Originators Head To Head Vol 2 [Prince Far I & Trinity - 197X-8X]
- Doing It Right [Desi Roots - 1980]
- Double Barrel [Dave & Ansel Collins - 1971]
- Down Santic Way [Various Artists - 1973-75]
- Dread In A Africa [U Roy Featuring Skin, Flesh & Bones - 1975]
- Dread In A Babylon [U Roy - 1975]
- Dread Locks Dread [Big Youth - 1975]
- Dreadlocks The Time Is Now [Gladiators - 1976-79]
- Dreams Of Owen Gray [Owen Gray - 1978]
- Dub From The South East [Glenmore Brown - 1972-76]
- Dubble Attack [Various Artists - 1972-74]
- E-E Saw Dub [King Tubby & Jacob Miller - 1975]
- Effort [Junior Delgado - 1979]
- Equal Rights [Peter Tosh - 1977]
- Every Mouth Must Be Fed [Various Artists - 1973-76]
- Every Posse Want Me [Toyan - 1983]
- Evolutionary Rockers [Mikey Dread - 1979]
- Fighting Dub [Skin, Flesh & Bones - 1975]
- First Time Around [Ruddy Thomas - 1981]
- For Your Eyes Only [Yellowman & Fathead - 1982]
- Forward [Abyssinians - 1969-76]
- Full House [Trinity - 1981]
- Garvey's Ghost [Burning Spear - 1976]
- Haile I Hymn [Ijahman - 1978]
- His Majestys Dub [Prince Jammy v. King Tubby - 197X]
- Hold On [Jimmy London - 1977]
- Holy War Dub [Errol Thompson & King Tubby - 197X]
- I Admire You [Larry Marshall - 1975]
- I Admire You In Dub [Larry Marshall & King Tubby - 1975]
- I Man A The Stal-A-Watt [Cornell Campbell - 197X]
- In Memoriam [Various Artists - 1968-80]
- Inchpinchers [Wailing Souls - 1983]
- Indestructible [Mighty Diamonds - 1981]
- Innocent Lover [Trevor Hartley - 1979]
- Insight [Blackstones - 1979]
- Irie Reggae Hits [Various Artists - 1979]
- Isaiah First Prophet Of Old [Big Youth - 1978]
- It Ain't Easy Living In The Ghetto [Jimmy London - 1980]
- It Feels So Good [Welton Irie - 1980]
- It's Not Too Late [Willie Lindo - 1977]
- Ital Observer Style [Various Artists - 1983]
- Jack Sprat [Yellowman - 1982]
- Jama Rico [Rico Rodriguez - 1982]
- Joe Gibbs Original DJ Classics [Various Artists - 197X]
- Joe Gibbs Original DJ Classics Vol 2 [Various Artists - 197X]
- Joe Gibbs Original DJ Classics Vol 3 [Various Artists - 197X-8X]
- Johnnie Clark Meets Cornell Campbell [Johnny Clark Meets Cornell Campbell - 1983]
- Johnny Ringo [Johnny Ringo - 1982]
- Join The Queue [Dillinger - 1983]
- Joseph's Coat Of Many Colours [Dennis Brown - 1979]
- Kent Village [Eric Donaldson - 1978]
- King Of Dub [Various Artists - 1977-79]
- Knotty Vision [Various Artists - 1983]
- Kouchie Vibes [Mighty Diamonds - 1978-84]
- Life Goes In Circles [Various Artists - 1974-79]
- Love & Harmony [Fred Locks & Friends - 1978]
- Love Has Found Its Way [Dennis Brown - 1982]
- Love Is [Dr. Alimantado - 1971-83]
- Love Is Not A Gamble [U Roy - 1980]
- Love's Gotta Hold On Me [Dennis Brown - 1984]
- Majestic Dub [Joe Gibbs - 1979]
- Man From Wareika [Rico - 1976]
- Marcus Garvey [Burning Spear - 1975]
- Marijuana In My Brain [Dillinger - 1979]
- Meet The People [Lloyd Parks & We The People - 1978]
- Melody Of Love [Winston Wright - 1977]
- Messenger Man [Willy Williams - 1980]
- Midnight Rock [General Plough - 1980]
- Moodie In Dub Vol 4 [Moodie - 1978]
- Moods [Tennors - 196X-7X]
- More [Dennis Brown - 1982]
- More Culture [Culture - 1981]
- Mr Ska Bean'a [Alton Ellis & Heptones - 1980]
- Mr. Cool Operator [Delroy Wilson - 1977]
- Natty Rebel [U Roy - 1976]
- Natty Superstar [Ranking Joe - 1980]
- Nice Times [Delroy Wilson - 1983]
- No Bones For The Dogs [Joe Gibbs & Professionals Featuring Errol Thompson - 1974-79]
- Nutin Na Gwan [Sylford Walker - 1975-79]
- Observation Station [Various Artists - 1974-77]
- Observer Attack Dub [Niney The Observer - 1969-76]
- On The Rocks [Wailing Souls - 1983]
- On Top [Prince Junior - 1980]
- Outer Limit [I Roy - 1983]
- Outernational Riddim [Roots Radics Meet Mighty Revolutionaires - 1980]
- People Say [Cimarons - 1974-76]
- Poverty People [Ricky Grant - 1979]
- Proverbial Reggae [Gladiators - 1978]
- Rastafari + Dub [Ras Michael & Sons Of Negus - 1975]
- Rastafari In Dub [Sons Of Negus - 1978]
- Rastaman Vibration [Bob Marley & Wailers - 1976]
- Reggae Golden Classics Vol 2 [Various Artists - 197X]
- Reggae Hits Of The 80's [Various Artists - 1982]
- Reggae Masterpiece Vol 1 [Various Artists - 1978]
- Reggae Stones Dub [Aggrovators - 1976]
- Religious Dread [Jah Woosh - 1978]
- Rhythm Master Vol 1 [Glen Brown & Friends - 1971-76]
- Riding High [Carl Dobson - 198X]
- Rock On [Various Artists - 1983]
- Rock Steady Classics [Tennors - 196X-7X]
- Rockers Almighty Dub [Aggrovators & Revolutionaries - 1979]
- Rocktone All Stars Presents Can-Jam Reggae Rockers Disco Style [Various Artists - 1981]
- Satta Massagana [Abyssinians - 1976]
- Scorchers From The Mighty Two [Various Artists - 197X-8X]
- Sentimental Reasons [Joy White - 1978]
- Shining Stars [Various Artists - 1983]
- Sinbad & The Metric System [Peter Metro & Captain Sinbad With Little John - 1983]
- Sing And Chant Jah Woosh [Jah Woosh - 1982]
- Some Like It Hot [Dennis Brown - 197X]
- Someone Loves You Honey [June Lodge - 1982]
- Sons Of Thunder [Dr. Alimantado - 1981]
- Spear Burning [Burning Spear - 1975-79]
- Stronger Than Before [Sammy Dread - 198X]
- Sufferation [Various Artists - 197X]
- Super Duper [Earl Sixteen - 1982]
- Supermix [Yellowman & Fathead - 1982]
- Superstar Yellowman Has Arrived With Toyan [Superstar Yellowman Has Arrived With Toyan - 1982]
- Syncopation [Sly & Robbie - 1982]
- Taste Of The Young Heart [Junior Delgado - 1979]
- Teach The Youth [Barrington Levy & Friends - 1980-85]
- Tell It Like It Is [Jackie Edwards - 1982]
- Termination Dub [Glen Brown & King Tubby - 1973-79]
- That Man Is Forward [Rico Rodriguez - 1981]
- The Best Of The Morwells [Morwells - 1981]
- The Black Foundation In Dub [King Tubby & Errol Thompson - 197X]
- The Jimmy London Collection [Jimmy London - 197X]
- The Light Of Saba [Light Of Saba - 197X]
- The Light Of Saba In Reggae [Light Of Saba - 197X]
- The Mighty Two [Joe Gibbs & Errol Thompson & Various Artists - 197X]
- The Promised Land [Dennis Brown - 1977-79]
- The Prophet Rides Again [Dennis Brown - 1983]
- The Reggae Train [Joe Gibbs & Friends - 1968-71]
- The Sannic Sounds [Tommy McCook Dub - 1974]
- The Supreme Sound Of Ossie Scott [Ossie Scott - 197X]
- The War Is On Dub Style [Bobby Kalphat - 198X]
- The Way To Mount Zion [Glen Brown - 1969-76]
- The Yellow, The Purple & The Nancy [Yellowman & Fathead & Purpleman & Sister Nancy - 1982]
- Their Greatest Hits [Maytones - 197X]
- Thousand Things On My Mind [Danny Mangaroo - 1983]
- Three Piece Suit [Trinity - 1977]
- Today [George Nooks - 1981]
- Top Ranking D.J. Session Volume II [Various Artists - 1980]
- Trenchtown Mix Up [Gladiators - 1976]
- Two Sevens Clash [Culture - 1977]
- Umoja [DEB Music Players - 1978]
- Under Heavy Manners [Prince Far I - 1977]
- United Dreadlocks Vol 1 [Various Artists - 1977]
- United Dreadlocks Vol 2 [Various Artists - 1980]
- Universal Message [Sons Of Jah - 1982]
- Vision Of Africa [Errol Holt - 1978]
- Visions Of Dennis Brown [Dennis Brown - 1978]
- Waiting In The Park [Chantells - 1978]
- Warrior [Johnny Osbourne - 1981]
- We Are Getting Bad [Various Artists - 197X]
- We Are Moving [Uplifter - 1983]
- What More Can I Do [Lloyd Parks - 1983]
- Wiser Dread [Various Artists - 1981]
- Wish You A Merry Rockers Christmas [Joe Gibbs Family - 1979]
- Worth Your Weight In Gold [Delroy Wilson - 1984]
- You Wanna Turn Me On [Osbert Maddo - 1982]
- Zungguzungguguzungguzeng [Yellowman - 1983]