- 1000 Volts Of Holt [John Holt - 1967-72]
- 14 Chart Buster Hits [Derrick Harriott - 1973]
- 16 Dynamic Reggae Hits [Various Artists - 1972]
- 20 Dragon Hits [Various Artists - 197X]
- 20 Super Hits [Half Pint - 198X]
- 20 Super Hits [Charlie Chaplin - 1984]
- 2000 & 3000 Volts Of Holts [John Holt - 1973-77]
- A Lonely Man [Freddie McKay - 1974]
- A Ruffer Version [Johnny Clarke - 1974-78]
- A Song [Pablo Moses - 1980]
- A Soulful Experience Is Happening [Boris Gardiner - 197X]
- A Tribute To Marcus Garvey [Various Artists - 197X-8X]
- A True [Sugar Minott - 1985]
- Across The Border [Freddie McGregor - 1984]
- Africa [Ijahman - 1984]
- Africa [Stanley Beckford & Turbines - 1971-73]
- All I Have Is Love, Love, Love [Gregory Isaacs - 1986]
- All The Best [Danny Ray - 198X]
- Anthem [Black Uhuru - 1983]
- Aquarius Rock [Various Artists - 197X]
- Arise [Abyssinians - 1978]
- Authentic Golden Melodies [Augustus Pablo - 1974-79]
- Aux Armes Et Caetera [Serge Gainsbourg - 1979]
- Beres Hammond [Beres Hammond - 1985]
- Better Must Come .... One Day [Delroy Wilson - 1970-73]
- Black Man Time [I Roy - 197X-8X]
- Black Woman [Judy Mowatt - 1980]
- Blasted [Chalice - 1981]
- Blood And Fire [Niney & Friends - 1971-1972]
- Boat To Progress [Various Artists - 1970-74]
- Bunny Lee Presents Dubbing In The Front Yard & Conflict Dub [Bunny Lee - 1977-82]
- Bush Doctor [Peter Tosh - 1978]
- Cameo [Mark Holder - 1976]
- Can't Keep Us Apart [John Holt - 1970-77]
- Catch A Fire [Bob Marley & Wailers - 1973]
- Check The Winner [Various Artists - 1970-74]
- Children In Exile [Desi Roots - 1982]
- Come On Over [Freddie McGregor - 1983]
- Come To Me Softly [Jackie Edwards - 1979]
- Coming Down With Love [Barry Biggs - 1983]
- Congo Ashanti [Congo - 1979]
- Conquering Lion [Yabby You - 1977]
- Conscious [Dandy Livingstone - 1973]
- Crazy World Of Dub [Max Romeo - 197X]
- Crossfire [Chalice - 1986]
- Dance A Dub [Junior Delgado - 1978]
- Dancing Time [Johnny Osbourne - 1984]
- Deeper Roots [Yabby You & Brethren - 1976-78]
- Deeper Roots Part 2 [Yabby You & Prophets - 197X]
- Disarmament [Ras Michael & Sons Of Negus - 1981]
- Do It Reggae [Sonny Bradshaw Seven - 1969-75]
- Dobby Dobson [Dobby Dobson - 1978]
- Double Dose [Gregory Isaacs & Sugar Minott - 1986]
- Dread Affairs [Jah Ruby - 1977]
- Dread In A Africa [U Roy Featuring Skin, Flesh & Bones - 1975]
- Dub 'Em Zukie [Tappa Zukie - 1976-79]
- Dub Duel [Crucial Bunny vs Scientist - 1982]
- Dub Gone 2 Crazy [King Tubby & Prince Jammy - 1975-79]
- Dub In The Roots Tradition [Scientist - 1976-79]
- Dub To Africa [Prince Far I - 1979]
- Dubbing With The Don [Augustus Pablo - 197X]
- Dubble Attack [Various Artists - 1972-74]
- Dubd'sco Vol 1 [Bunny Wailer - 1978]
- Dusty Roads [John Holt - 1974]
- Dynamic [Hopeton Lewis - 1974]
- Dynamic Rockers [Various Artists - 1973-77]
- Dynamic Sound Of Jamaica [Various Artists - 1973]
- Each One Teach One [Blues Busters - 197X]
- Early Days [Slim Smith - 196X]
- Earthman Connection [Zimbabwe Dread - 1978]
- Echo Minott Meets Frankie Paul [Echo Minott & Frankie Paul - 1986]
- El Rocker's [Augustus Pablo - 1972-75]
- Eloha [Paul Hurlock - 197X]
- Equal Rights [Peter Tosh - 1977]
- Every Mouth Must Be Fed [Various Artists - 1973-76]
- Everything Is Great [Inner Circle - 1979]
- Everything To Me [Boris Gardiner - 1986]
- Extra Classic [Gregory Isaacs - 1977]
- Eyewitness [Ringo - 1982]
- Face The Music [Cedric Myton & Congos - 1981]
- Feel So Good [Derrick Morgan Featuring Hortense Ellis - 1975]
- Fever [Tenor Saw - 1985]
- Fire Burn Them Below [Charlie Chaplin - 1984]
- First Prophet Of Dub [King Tubby - 1983]
- Follow Instructions [Cornell Campbell - 1983]
- For A Fistful of Dollars [Derrick Harriott & Crystalites - 197X]
- For Lovers And Dancers [John Holt - 1984]
- Forward [Abyssinians - 1969-76]
- Freedom Sounds [Sons Of Negus - 1974]
- Friends [Bob Andy - 1983]
- From Chapter To Version [Various Artists - 1970-74]
- From GG's Reggae Hit Stable Vol 1 [Various Artists - 1968-73]
- From GG's Reggae Hit Stable Vol 2 [Various Artists - 1969-73]
- From Matador's Arena Vol 1 [Various Artists - 1968-69]
- From Matador's Arena Vol 2 [Various Artists - 1969-70]
- From Matador's Arena Vol 3 [Various Artists - 1971-79]
- From The Dynamic Treasury Vol 1 [Various Artists - 1964-68]
- From The Dynamic Treasury Vol 2 [Various Artists - 196X-7X]
- Funky Kingston [Toots & Maytals - 1973]
- Galong, Galong, Galong [Yellowman - 1985]
- Gather Israelites [Delano Tucker - 197X]
- Get Wise [Horace Andy - 1974]
- Girls Them Pet [Yellowman - 1986]
- Going To The Chapel [Yellowman - 1986]
- Greatest Hits [Delroy Wilson - 1976]
- Greatest Hits [Delroy Wilson - 1973]
- Grooving Out Of Life [Hopeton Lewis - 1971]
- Guns Don't Argue [Dennis Alcapone - 1971]
- Happy Ending [David Isaacs - 1982]
- Harry Mudie Meet King Tubby's In Dub Conference Vol 1 [Harry Mudie & King Tubby - 1976]
- Harry Mudie Meet King Tubby's In Dub Conference Vol 3 [Harry Mudie & King Tubby - 1978]
- Here I Am Baby [Al Brown - 1974]
- High Plains Drifter [Lee Perry & Upsetters - 1968-73]
- Hit Picks [Rupie Edwards & Various Artists - 1974]
- Hold Your Corner [Trinity - 1987]
- Holt [John Holt - 1971]
- Hook Line N Sinker [Bunny Wailer - 1982]
- Hot Bubble Gum [Toyan - 1984]
- Humanity [Royal Rasses Featuring Prince Lincoln Thompson - 1979]
- I Man A The Stal-A-Watt [Cornell Campbell - 197X]
- In The Dark [Toots & Maytals - 1974]
- In The Future [Pablo Moses - 1983]
- In The Future & Dub [Pablo Moses - 1983]
- In The Ghetto [Dave & Ansel Collins - 1975]
- Ire Feelings [Rupie Edwards - 1975]
- Is It Really Happening To Me [Tippa Irie - 1986]
- It's A Small, Small World [Junior Tucker - 1978]
- It's All Over [Paula Clarke - 1986]
- Ital Dub [Augustus Pablo - 1974]
- Jamaica Affair [Various Artists - 1987]
- Jeans, Jeans [Lloyd Parks - 1985]
- Jesus Dread [Yabby You & Various Artists - 1972-77]
- Joshua's Rod Of Correction [Clancy Eccles - 1967-83]
- Just Like That [Toots & Maytals - 1980]
- Keep On Riding [Eric Donaldson - 1976]
- Kent Village [Eric Donaldson - 1978]
- Kibir-Am-Lak [Ras Michael & Sons Of Negus - 1977]
- King Of The Track [Dennis Alcapone - 1974]
- King Tubby Meets Blackbeard's Ring Craft Posse [King Tubby - 197X]
- King Tubby Meets Scientist In A World Of Dub [King Tubby & Scientist - 198X]
- King Tubby's Lost Treasures [King Tubby - 1976]
- King Tubby's Meets Scientist At Dub Station [King Tubby & Scientist - 198X]
- King Tubby's Prophecies Of Dub [Prophets - 1976]
- Knock Out ! [Toots & Maytals - 1981]
- Lay It On The Line [Wailing Souls - 1986]
- Leaders Of Black Countrys [Mighty Diamonds - 1983]
- Leslie Kong's Connection vol 1 [Various Artists - 1969-71]
- Leslie Kong's Connection vol 2 [Various Artists - 1969-71]
- Let The Power Fall [Max Romeo - 1971]
- Liberation [Bunny Wailer - 1988]
- Lick Shot [Michael Palmer - 1982]
- Life Goes In Circles [Various Artists - 1974-79]
- Lilly Of My Valley [Ijahman - 1985]
- Lion Rock [Culture Featuring Joseph Hill - 1982]
- Live ! [Bunny Wailer - 1983]
- Love Hits [Zap Pow - 197X]
- Love Of The Common People [Eric Donaldson - 1971]
- Love People [A.J. Brown - 1984]
- Love Thy Neighbour [Ras Michael & Sons Of Negus - 1979]
- Lovers Rock Vol 1/2 [Various Artists - 1979]
- Mama Africa [Peter Tosh - 1983]
- Man Shortage [Lovindeer - 1983]
- Marijuana In My Brain [Dillinger - 1979]
- Message Music [Augustus Pablo - 1986-94]
- Miracle Worker [Sydney Rogers - 1974]
- Miss Labba Labba [Twinkle Brothers - 1977]
- Money Move [Barrington Levy - 1984]
- Monkey Man & From The Roots [Toots & Maytals - 1969-70]
- More Love [David Isaacs - 1979]
- Mother Africa [Hugh Griffiths - 198X]
- Movements [Ras Michael & Sons Of Negus - 1978]
- Mr Perry I Presume [Lee Perry - 197X]
- Mr. Biggs [Barry Biggs - 1976]
- Music Explosion [Ethnic Fight Band - 197X]
- Musical Feast [Various Artists - 197X]
- My Destination [Cornell Campbell - 197X]
- Mystic Man [Peter Tosh - 1979]
- Negril [General Trees - 1986]
- New Age Music [Inner Circle - 1980]
- Next Cut! [Bunny Striker Lee & Friends - 197X]
- Nexus Dub [Various Artists - 1967-80]
- Nice Times [Delroy Wilson - 1983]
- No Baptism [Ethiopians & The Tribe - 1967-75]
- No Problem [Peter Metro - 1985]
- Now [Zap Pow - 1976]
- Nyah Reggae Rock [Clancy Eccles - 1969-70]
- Nyahbinghi [Ras Michael & Sons Of Negus - 1974]
- Observation Station [Various Artists - 1974-77]
- Old Fire Stick [Frankie Jones - 1986]
- Old Time Something [Twinkle Brothers - 1964-74]
- On My Mind [Bunny Maloney - 1983]
- One-A-Way Style [Various Artists - 198X]
- Original Blue Recordings [Cornell Campbell - 1970-79]
- Original Foreign Mind [Junior Reid - 1985]
- Original Rockers [Augustus Pablo - 1972-75]
- Original Rockers Vol 2 [Augustus Pablo - 1989]
- Pave The Way [Pablo Moses - 1981]
- Peace & Love + Nyabinghi [Ras Michael & Sons Of Negus - 1974]
- Phillip & Lloyd [Blues Busters - 1976]
- Pick Up The Pieces [Royals - 1977]
- Pressure Drop [Oku Onuora & AK7 - 1984]
- Private Beach Party [Gregory Isaacs - 1985]
- Psychedelic Train [Derrick Harriott & Crystalites - 1970]
- Pull It Up Now [Michael Palmer - 1985]
- Quad Star Revolution [Various Artists - 1972]
- Que Dem [Charlie Chaplin - 1985]
- Raggy Joey Boy [Tappa Zukie - 1982]
- Ram A Dam [Vivian Jackson - 1976]
- Rarities Vol 1 [Bob Marley & Wailers - 197X]
- Rarities Vol 2 [Bob Marley & Wailers - 197X]
- Rasta Dub 77 [Dubwise - 1977]
- Rastafari [Ras Michael & Sons Of Negus - 1975]
- Rastafari + Dub [Ras Michael & Sons Of Negus - 1975]
- Rastafari In Dub [Sons Of Negus - 1978]
- Rastafari Liveth [Peter Broggs - 1982]
- Raw Roots volume 1 [Various Artists - 1970-75]
- Raw Roots volume 2 [Various Artists - 1971-78]
- Reggae By Ruddy Thomas [Ruddy Thomas - 1983]
- Reggae Classics [Delroy Wilson - 1984]
- Reggae Exposure With Sax [Ossie Scott - 1983]
- Reggae Fire Beat [King Stitt - 1969-70]
- Reggae Golden Classics Vol 2 [Various Artists - 197X]
- Reggae Happening [Boris Gardiner - 1970]
- Reggae Hot Shots [Byron Lee - 1970-71]
- Reggae Jeggae [Various Artists - 1968-69]
- Reggay [Byron Lee & Dragonaires - 1969]
- Reggay Blast Off [Byron Lee & Dragonaires - 1970]
- Reggay International [Byron Lee & Dragonaires - 1976]
- Revelation Time [Max Romeo - 1975]
- Rhythm Master Vol 1 [Glen Brown & Friends - 1971-76]
- Rhythm So Nice [Freddie McGregor - 1983]
- Right On Time [Eric Donaldson - 1985]
- Rising Sun [Augustus Pablo - 1985]
- River To The Bank [Little John - 1985]
- Roaring Lion [Lee Perry & His Upsetters - 197X]
- Rock Me Rock Me [Johnny Osbourne - 1985]
- Rockers All-Star Explosion [Various Artists - 197X]
- Rockers Awards Winners [Sugar Minott & Leroy Smart - 1984]
- Rockers International Vol 2 [Various Artists - 1974-75]
- Rockers Reggae [T Brothers - 1979]
- Rougher Than Rough [Various Artists - 1972-76]
- Rydim [Sugar Minott - 1985]
- Screaming Target [Big Youth - 1972]
- Shades Of Hudson [Keith Hudson & Various Artists - 197X]
- Shaggy Raggy [Al Campbell - 1985]
- Show Case Volume 3 [Jackie Mittoo - 1977]
- Silver Jubilee [Cornell Campbell - 197X-8X]
- Silver Jubilee [Paragons - 197X]
- Since I Met You Baby [George Faith - 1982]
- Sincerely [Barry Biggs - 1977]
- Sings For Lovers Only [George Faith - 1987]
- Slice Of The Cake [Sugar Minott - 1984]
- Sly, Wicked And Slick [Sly Dunbar - 1979]
- So In Love [Barry Biggs - 198X]
- Srevol [Pat Kelly - 198X]
- Stand Up! [Chalice - 1985]
- Standard Procedure [Chalice - 1983]
- Starlight [Jackie Edwards - 197X]
- Sticks And Stones [Kotch - 1986]
- Still In Chains [John Holt - 1971]
- Stop That Train [Keith & Tex - 197X]
- Strickly Reggae Music [Johnny Clarke - 1976-86]
- Strictly ... Bubbling [Massive Dread - 1982]
- Strictly Reggae Music [Frankie Paul - 1984]
- Sufferation [Various Artists - 197X]
- Sufferer [Kingstonians - 1970]
- Sweet And Dandy [Toots & Maytals - 1969]
- Swing And Dine [Melodians - 196X-7X]
- Tales Of Mozambique [Count Ossie & Mystic Revelation Of Rastafari - 1975]
- Techniques In Dub [Techniques - 197X]
- Tell Me Darling [Jackie Edwards - 197X]
- Ten Years After [Royals - 1978]
- Termination Dub [Glen Brown & King Tubby - 1973-79]
- The Best Of Sunshot [Various Artists - 1971-75]
- The Best Of The Wailers [Bob Marley & Wailers - 1970]
- The Dean Of Reggae [Delroy Wilson - 1985]
- The Further You Look + Dusty Roads [John Holt - 1973-74]
- The Gorgon [Cornell Campbell - 1976]
- The Great Ken Boothe Meets BB Seaton & The Gaylads [Ken Boothe - 1971]
- The Kingston Sessions [Norris Reid - 1978-85]
- The Many Moods Of Max Romeo [Max Romeo - 1967-71]
- The Marvels [Marvels - 1974]
- The Originator [U Roy - 1972-75]
- The Reggae Train [Joe Gibbs & Friends - 1968-71]
- The Sannic Sounds [Tommy McCook Dub - 1974]
- The Sensational Derrick Harriott Sings Rock Steady Reggae [Derrick Harriott - 196X-7X]
- The Seven Seals [Ras Karbi - 1984]
- The Very Best Of Ruddy Thomas [Ruddy Thomas - 198X]
- The Way It Is [I Kong - 1979]
- The Way To Mount Zion [Glen Brown - 1969-76]
- The Wild Reggae Bunch [Dynamites - 1967-71]
- The Yabby You Sound Dubs & Versions [Yabby You - 197X]
- Their Greatest Hits [Maytones - 197X]
- There Is A Reward [King Sounds & Israelites - 198X]
- Those Reggae Oldies [Derrick Harriott & Various Artists - 1978]
- Tidal Wave [Frankie Paul - 1985]
- Tighten Up [Byron Lee & Dragonaires - 1970]
- Time A Go Dread [Lloyd Parks - 197X]
- Time Longer Than Rope [Sugar Minott - 1985]
- Today Tomorrow And Always [Mark Holder - 1974]
- Torch Of Freedom [Keith Hudson - 1975]
- Tribute [Bunny Wailer - 1981]
- True Confession [Little John - 1984]
- Uptown Top Ranking [Althea & Donna - 1978]
- Vivian Jackson Presents Patrick Andy [Vivian Jackson Presents Patrick Andy - 197X]
- Vortex Dub [Prince Lincoln & Rasses - 197X-8X]
- Wail'n Soul'm Singles Selecta [Bob Marley & Wailers - 196X]
- Walking Jewellery Store [Yellowman - 1985]
- Wanted Dread & Alive [Peter Tosh - 1981]
- Water Pumping Top Ten [Various Artists - 1983]
- Watermelon Man [Horace Martin - 1985]
- Way Back When [Various Artists - 1979]
- We Rule [Michael Palmer - 1985]
- What A Feeling [Pioneers - 198X]
- What More Can I Do [Lloyd Parks - 1983]
- When I've Got You [Ruddy Thomas - 1983]
- Who Say Jah No Dread [Jacob Miller - 1974-75]
- Wide Awake [Barry Biggs - 1982]
- Wild Fire [Brown & Holt - 1985]
- Wondeful Sounds [Doreen Shaffer - 1986]
- Wonderman Years [Various Artists - 1971-76]
- You Can't Wine [Various Artists - 1970]
- Zion Hill [Bobby Kalphat - 1977]