- 17 North Parade [Various Artists - 1972-75]
- 22 Karat Vol 2 [Al Campbell - 1974-83]
- A Ruffer Version [Johnny Clarke - 1974-78]
- All The Hits Vol 2 [Twinkle Brothers - 1971-91]
- Aquarius Dub [Herman Chin Loy - 1973]
- Aquarius Rock [Various Artists - 197X]
- At King Tubby's Dub Plate Specials [Niney - 1973-75]
- At Randy's [Skatalites & Friends - 196X]
- Atra 10 Tracks [Various Artists - 197X]
- Authentic Golden Melodies [Augustus Pablo - 1974-79]
- Baffling Smoke Signal [Various Artists - 1976-78]
- Battle Of The Giants [Various Artists - 197X]
- Best Dressed Chicken In Town [Dr. Alimantado - 1973-76]
- Black & White Reggae Classics Vol 1 [Various Artists - 198X]
- Black Star Liner [Fred Locks - 1976]
- Blood And Fire [Niney & Friends - 1971-1972]
- Boat To Progress [Various Artists - 1970-74]
- Bring The Dub Come [Niney The Observer Presents King Tubby - 197X]
- Build Me Up [Brent Dowe - 1973]
- Can't Keep Us Apart [John Holt - 1970-77]
- Catch A Fire [Bob Marley & Wailers - 1973]
- Check The Winner [Various Artists - 1970-74]
- Collection [Jah Woosh - 1972-76]
- Come Ethiopians [Phillip Frazer - 1978]
- Cool Breezing [Pat Kelly - 197X]
- Crab Race [Morwells - 1977]
- Crazy World Of Dub [Max Romeo - 197X]
- Deeper Roots [Yabby You & Brethren - 1976-78]
- Dennis [Dennis Brown - 197X]
- Dillinger's 14K Gold Golden Hits [Dillinger - 1979]
- Don't Check Me With No Lightweight Stuff [I Roy - 1972-75]
- Down Santic Way [Various Artists - 1973-75]
- Dread In A Africa [U Roy Featuring Skin, Flesh & Bones - 1975]
- Dread Lion Dub [Jah Lloyd - 198X]
- Dread Locks Dread [Big Youth - 1975]
- Dub 'Em Zukie [Tappa Zukie - 1976-79]
- Dub A De Number One [Gregory Isaacs - 197X]
- Dub From The South East [Glenmore Brown - 1972-76]
- Dub Gone 2 Crazy [King Tubby & Prince Jammy - 1975-79]
- Dub In The Roots Tradition [Scientist - 1976-79]
- Dub Mix Up [King Tubby - 1975-79]
- Dub Serial [Joe Gibbs - 1973]
- Dubbing It Studio 1 Style [Aggrovators - 1973-78]
- Dubbing With The Don [Augustus Pablo - 197X]
- Dubble Attack [Various Artists - 1972-74]
- E-E Saw Dub [King Tubby & Jacob Miller - 1975]
- Earthman Connection [Baba Dread - 1978-79]
- El Rocker's [Augustus Pablo - 1972-75]
- Equal Rights [Peter Tosh - 1977]
- Every Mouth Must Be Fed [Various Artists - 1973-76]
- Extra Classic [Gregory Isaacs - 1977]
- First Prophet Of Dub [King Tubby - 1983]
- For A Fistful of Dollars [Derrick Harriott & Crystalites - 197X]
- Freedom Fighters Dub [Force Of Music - 1978]
- Freedom Sounds In Dub [King Tubby & Soul Syndicate - 1976-79]
- From GG's Reggae Hit Stable Vol 1 [Various Artists - 1968-73]
- From GG's Reggae Hit Stable Vol 2 [Various Artists - 1969-73]
- From Matador's Arena Vol 3 [Various Artists - 1971-79]
- From Mento To Reggae To Third World Music [Cedric Im Brooks & The Divine Light - 196X-7X]
- From Studio One To Drum Street [Willi Williams - 1969-80]
- Garvey's Ghost [Burning Spear - 1976]
- Get Wise [Horace Andy - 1974]
- Ghettoman Corner [Welton Irie - 1977]
- Goldies [Various Artists - 197X]
- Greatest Reggae Hits [Derrick Harriott - 197X]
- Gussie Presenting The Right Tracks [Various Artists - 1976]
- Harder Shade Of Black [Santic + Friends - 1974]
- Heptones Dictionary [Heptones - 197X]
- High Plains Drifter [Lee Perry & Upsetters - 1968-73]
- His Majestys Dub [Prince Jammy v. King Tubby - 197X]
- Hit Picks [Rupie Edwards & Various Artists - 1974]
- Hit The Road Jack [Big Youth - 1976]
- Hold On [Jimmy London - 1977]
- I Admire You [Larry Marshall - 1975]
- I Admire You In Dub [Larry Marshall & King Tubby - 1975]
- I Man A The Stal-A-Watt [Cornell Campbell - 197X]
- Impact ! [Various Artists - 197X]
- In The 70's [Prince Jazzbo - 1971-76]
- International Rockers [Various Artists - 1975]
- Ire Feelings [Rupie Edwards - 1975]
- It Ain't Easy Living In The Ghetto [Jimmy London - 1980]
- Ital Observer Style [Various Artists - 1983]
- Java Java Dub [Various Artists - 1972]
- Java Java Java Java [Impact All Stars - 1972]
- Jezebel [Justin Hinds & Dominoes - 1976]
- Kaya Dub [Maya Dread - 1975]
- Keep Rocking And Swinging [Big Joe - 1976]
- King Tubby's Lost Treasures [King Tubby - 1976]
- King Tubbys Meets Rockers Uptown [Augustus Pablo - 1972-75]
- Kingston All Stars Meet Downtown At King Tubbys [Various Artists - 1972-75]
- Lamb's Bread [Sylford Walker - 1978]
- Legalize It [Peter Tosh - 1976]
- Love Forever [Bim Sherman - 1974-79]
- Love Hits [Zap Pow - 197X]
- Love Train [Well Pleased And Satisfied - 1979]
- Lovers Leap Showcase [Bim Sherman - 1979]
- Loving You [Lloyd Parks - 1976]
- Man From Wareika [Rico - 1976]
- Man In The Hills [Burning Spear - 1976]
- Marcus Garvey [Burning Spear - 1975]
- Marcus Garvey - Garvey's Ghost [Burning Spear - 1976]
- Marijuana World Tour [Jah Woosh - 1979]
- Master Of All [King Sighta - 1978]
- Megabit 25, 1922 [Prince Far I - 1985]
- Microphone Attack [Various Artists - 1974-78]
- Moods [Tennors - 196X-7X]
- Mr Perry I Presume [Lee Perry - 197X]
- Mr. Smart In Dub [Leroy Smart - 197X]
- My Destination [Cornell Campbell - 197X]
- Next Cut! [Bunny Striker Lee & Friends - 197X]
- Nexus Dub [Various Artists - 1967-80]
- Observation Station [Various Artists - 1974-77]
- Observer Attack Dub [Niney The Observer - 1969-76]
- Old Cuts Dub Pack [Twinkle Brothers - 1975-90]
- Old Time Something [Twinkle Brothers - 1964-74]
- On The Rock [Cimarons - 1976]
- Original Rockers Vol 2 [Augustus Pablo - 1989]
- Out On A Funky Trip [Various Artists - 1970-75]
- Outernational Riddim [Roots Radics Meet Mighty Revolutionaires - 1980]
- Pick Up The Pieces [Royals - 1977]
- Psalm Of The Time Dub [King Tubby - 197X]
- Psalms For I [Prince Far I - 1975]
- Psychedelic Train [Derrick Harriott & Crystalites - 1970]
- Randy's Dub [Impact All Stars - 1975]
- Randy's Vintage Dub Selection [Various Artists - 1969-75]
- Rare Dubs [Augustus Pablo Meets Lee Perry And The Wailers Band - 1970-71]
- Rarities Vol 1 [Bob Marley & Wailers - 197X]
- Rarities Vol 2 [Bob Marley & Wailers - 197X]
- Rasta Communication [Keith Hudson - 1978]
- Rasta Revolution [Bob Marley & Wailers - 1972]
- Raw Roots volume 1 [Various Artists - 1970-75]
- Raw Roots volume 2 [Various Artists - 1971-78]
- Reggae Golden Classics Vol 2 [Various Artists - 197X]
- Revelation Time [Max Romeo - 1975]
- Revolutionary Dream [Pablo Moses - 1976]
- Rhythm Master Vol 1 [Glen Brown & Friends - 1971-76]
- Rock On [Various Artists - 1983]
- Rock Steady Classics [Tennors - 196X-7X]
- Rockers International Vol 2 [Various Artists - 1974-75]
- Rockstone [Native - 1977]
- Roots & Culture At Randy's [Various Artists - 197X]
- Rougher Than Rough [Various Artists - 1972-76]
- Rub-A-Dub [Bim Sherman - 1975-79]
- Screaming Target [Big Youth - 1972]
- Silver Jubilee [Cornell Campbell - 197X-8X]
- Sledgehammer Dub [Niney - 1977]
- Soldier Round The Corner [Jah Lloyd - 1974]
- Some Like It Hot [Dennis Brown - 197X]
- Soul Revolution 1&2 [Bob Marley & Wailers - 1971]
- Sound System Rockers [Various Artists - 1969-75]
- Soundz From The Hotline [Lee Scratch Perry - 1976-79]
- Speak Softly [Barrington Spence - 1976]
- Stalowatt [Cornell Campbell - 1976]
- Stumbling Block [Knowledge - 1982]
- Sufferation [Various Artists - 197X]
- Tafari Earth Uprising [Little Roy - 197X]
- Termination Dub [Glen Brown & King Tubby - 1973-79]
- The African Brothers Meets King Tubby In Dub [African Brothers & King Tubby - 197X]
- The Best Of Sunshot [Various Artists - 1971-75]
- The Black Foundation In Dub [King Tubby & Errol Thompson - 197X]
- The Jimmy London Collection [Jimmy London - 197X]
- The Kingston Rock [Horace Andy & Winston Jarrett - 1974]
- The Many Moods Of Max Romeo [Max Romeo - 1967-71]
- The Original Heptones [Heptones - 1976]
- The Originator [U Roy - 1972-75]
- The Sannic Sounds [Tommy McCook Dub - 1974]
- The Sensational Derrick Harriott Sings Rock Steady Reggae [Derrick Harriott - 196X-7X]
- The Way To Mount Zion [Glen Brown - 1969-76]
- This Is ..... Augustus Pablo [Augustus Pablo - 1973]
- Time A Go Dread [Lloyd Parks - 197X]
- Tribal War [Little Roy - 1975]
- Universal Dub [Various Artists - 1972-79]
- University Of Dub [Heptones - 197X]
- Vision Of Africa [Errol Holt - 1978]
- Want Some Freedom [African Brothers - 1970-78]
- Westbound Train [Dennis Brown - 1978]
- Who Say Jah No Dread [Jacob Miller - 1974-75]
- Wonderman Years [Various Artists - 1971-76]
- Yeah Yeah Yeah [Dennis Alcapone - 1970-73]
- Zion Hill [Bobby Kalphat - 1977]