- Impact All Stars - Java Java Java Java [Impact]
- Lee Scratch Perry & Upsetters - Cloak And Dagger [Upsetter (JA) #SRNN 7001]
- Prince Buster - The Message Dubwise [Fab #MS 7]
- Vulcans - Star Trek [Trojan #TRLS 53]
- Vin Gordon & Upsetters - Musical Bones [DIP #DLP 6000]
- Abyssinians - Declaration Of Dub [Heartbeat #CDHB 180]
- Glenmore Brown - Dub From The South East [Pantomine #PRLP 02]
- Hatchet All Stars - Greatest Hits Super Dubb-Wise [Hatchet #HATCHET 100]
- Herman Chin Loy - Aquarius Dub [Aquarius #none]
- Joe Gibbs - Dub Serial [Joe Gibbs #none]
- Upsetters - Blackboard Jungle Dub [Upsetter (JA) #SCRLP 1]
- Vulcans - Journey Into Space The Return Of Star Trek [Cactus #CT 3032]
- Lee Perry - Dub Triptych [Trojan #TJBDD 172]
- Revolutionaries - Revival [Cha Cha #CHALP 014]
- Augustus Pablo - Ital Dub [Starapple #STAR LP 004]
- Derrick Harriott - Presents Scrub-A-Dub Reggae [Crystal #A 150]
- Dub Specialist - Ital Sounds & System [Studio 1 #GW 002]
- Dub Specialist - Mello Dub [Studio 1 #FCD 7725]
- Jah Lloyd and King Tubby - A Double Helping of Jah Lloyd and King Tubby [Teem #TMCD 1]
- Jah Lloyd - Herbs Of Dub [DIP #PF-DL 1001]
- Keith Hudson - Pick A Dub [Rockers Universite]
- King Tubby - Dancehall Style Dub [Clocktower #CTLP 0098]
- King Tubby - Dub From The Roots [Total Sounds #TSL 106]
- King Tubby - The Roots Of Dub & Dub From The Roots [Moll Selekta #MS 8]
- Moodie - Moodie In Dub Vol 2 [Moodie Music #MMLP 102]
- Winston Edwards - Natty Locks Dub [Fay Music #FLP 2004]
- Agustus Pablo - Dubbing In A Africa [Abraham #AALP 025]
- B.B. Seaton - Gun Court Dub [Love #LOV 01]
- Bag - O - Wire - Bag - O - Wire [Klik #KLP 9007]
- Derrick Harriott - More Scrubbing The Dub [Crystal]
- Ethnic Fight Band - Out Of One Man Comes Many Dubs [Ethnic Fight #EF 4416]
- Impact All Stars - Randy's Dub [Impact #none]
- Joe Gibbs - African Dub All-Mighty [Lightning #LIP 10]
- Joe White - Jah Jah Dub [Roosevelt]
- King Tubby & Jacob Miller - E-E Saw Dub [E-E Saw #EW LP 301]
- King Tubby Meets The Upsetter - King Tubby Meets The Upsetter At The Grass Roots Of Dub [Fay Music #FM 101]
- King Tubby & Aggrovators - Shalom Dub [Klik #KLP 9002]
- King Tubby - Surrounded By The Dreads At The National Arena [Studio 16 #WE 102]
- King Tubby - The Roots Of Dub [Total Sounds #TSL 105]
- Larry Marshall & King Tubby - I Admire You In Dub [Motion #FASTCD 004]
- Lee Perry - Revolution Dub [Cactus #CTLP 112]
- Leslie Butler - Ja-Gan [Trojan #TRLS 112]
- Maya Dread - Kaya Dub [Kaya #VC 2131]
- Morwell Unlimited Meet King Tubby's - Dub Me [Morwells Esquire #MW 002]
- Rupie Edwards All Stars - Dub Basket [Cactus #CTLP 107]
- Sir Coxsone Sound - King Of The Dub Rock [Safari #SFA 100]
- Skin, Flesh & Bones - Fighting Dub [Love #LVO 2]
- Sylvan Morris - Morris On Dub [Jaywax #HJ 113]
- The Observer All Stars & King Tubbys - Dubbing With The Observer [Attack #ATLP 1017]
- Tommy McCook & Aggravators - Brass Rockers [Striker Lee #BLP 002]
- Tommy McCook & Aggrovators - Cookin [Horse #HRLP 706]
- Tommy McCook & Aggrovators - King Tubby Meets The Agrovators At Dub Station [Live And Love #LALP 02]
- Upsetters - Kung Fu Meets The Dragon [DIP #DLP 6002]
- Joe Gibbs - African Dub Chapter 1 & 2 [Rocky One #RGCD 023]
- Lee Perry - Dubstrumentals [Trojan #TJBDD 294]
- Sir Coxsone Sound - King Of The Dub Rock Parts 1&2 [Tribesman #TMCD 3]
- 4th Street Orchestra - Ah Who Seh ? Go Deh ! - Leggo ! Ah-Fi-We-Dis [EMI #CDFL 2050]
- 4th Street Orchestra - Leggo! (Ah-Fi-We-Dis) [Rama #RM 002]
- Aggrovators - Rasta Dub 76 [Grounation #GROL 507]
- Aggrovators - Reggae Stones Dub [Abraham]
- Augustus Clarke - Black Foundation Dub [Burning Sounds #BS 1023]
- Bullwackie's All Stars - Dub Unlimited [Wackies #WCD 0036]
- Harry Mudie & King Tubby - Harry Mudie Meet King Tubby's In Dub Conference Vol 1 [Moodisc #HM 108]
- Joe Gibbs - State Of Emergency [Joe Gibbs]
- King Tubby - Herb Dub - Collie Dub [Jigsaw #JS 004]
- King Tubby - King Tubby's Lost Treasures [Jamaican Recordings #JRCD 001]
- Ossie Hibbert - Crueshal Dub [Earthquake #none]
- Page One & Observers - Observation Of Life Dub [Carib Gems #CGLP 106]
- Prophets - King Tubby's Prophecies Of Dub [Prestige (JA) #VJ 8124]
- Rebel Dub - Rebel Dub [Third World #TWLP 106]
- Revolutionaries - Musical Dub Attack [Virgin #VDJ 19]
- Revolutionaries - Revival Dub Roots Now [Well Charge]
- Revolutionaries - Revolutionaries Sounds Vol 2 [Ballistic #UAK 30237]
- Revolutionaries & We The People Band - Revolutionary Dub [Trenchtown #TRELP 001]
- Revolutionaries - The Revolutionaries [Well Charge]
- Revolutionaries - Vital Dub Strictly Rockers [Well Charge]
- Rodigan v Williams - Rockers Arena [Exclusive #EFLP 601113]
- Rupie Edwards All Stars - Dub Basket Chapter II [Cactus #CTLP 117]
- Skatalites - The Legendary Skatalites [Top Ranking]
- Skin, Flesh & Bones - Dub In Blood [Sunshot #SS 005 LP]
- Skin, Flesh & Bones - Dub In Blood Vol 2 [Sunshot #SSCD 002]
- Tappa Zukie - Tapper Zukie In Dub [Stars #SR 1000]
- Tommy Cowan - Ras Claat Dub [Grounation #GROL 509]
- Tommy McCook - Horny Dub [Grounation #GROL 510]
- Tommy McCook - Reggae In Jazz [Eve #EVLP 5004]
- Upsetters - Scratch, The Super Ape [Upsetter (JA) #LP 8108]
- Yabby You & King Tubby - King Tubby's Prophesy Of Dub [Prophets]
- Lee Perry & Upsetters - Ape-Ology [Trojan #TJBDD 361]
- Tommy McCook - Blazing Horns - Tenor In Roots [Blood And Fire #BAFCD 044]
- 4th Street Orchestra - Yuh Learn ! [Rama #RMLP 006]
- Agrovators Meets The Revolutioners - Agrovators Meets The Revolutioners At Channel One Studios [Third World #TWS 900]
- Agrovators - Kaya Dub [Third World #TWS 939]
- Augustus Pablo - East Of The River Nile [Message #DSR 7108]
- Bobby Ellis And The Professionals Meet The Revolutionaries - Black Unity [Third World #TWS 921]
- Bobby Kalphat - Zion Hill [Terminal]
- Dubwise - Rasta Dub 77 [Micron #none]
- Dudley Swaby - Ja-Man Dub [Ja-Man #none]
- Harry Mudie & King Tubby - Harry Mudie Meet King Tubby's In Dub Conference Vol 2 [Moodisc #HM 50111]
- Joe Gibbs - African Dub Chapter 2 [Joe Gibbs #none]
- Keith Hudson - Brand [Joint International]
- Lloyd Willis - Gits Plays Bob Marley's Greatest Hits [Harry J #HJ 101]
- Moodie - Moodie In Dub Vol 3 [Moodie Music #MMLP 103]
- Niney - Sledgehammer Dub [Observer #OBS 1003]
- Rico Rodriguez - Wareika Dub [Island #PRE LP 1]
- Roots Underground - Tribesman Assault [Wackies #W 0038]
- Rupie Edwards - Dub Classic [Success]
- Sly & Revolutionaries - Don't Underestimate The Force, The Force Is Within You [J&L #LP 001]
- Sly & Revolutionaries - Go Deh Wid Riddim [Crystal #LP 1004]
- Tappa Zukie - Escape From Hell [Stars]
- Tommy McCook & Aggrovators - Super Star Disco Rockers [Dynamic Sounds]
- Tradition - Tradition In Dub [BPI #BLP 8081]
- Wackies Rhythm Force - African Roots Act 1 [Wackies #HA 001]
- 4th Street Orchestra - Rama (Scientific) Higer Ranking Dubb - Yuh Learn ! [EMI]
- Lee Perry - Megaton Dub vol I & II [Seven Leaves]
- 4th Street Orchestra - Rama (Scientific) Higher Ranking Dubb [Rama #RMLP 004]
- Aggrovators & Revolutionaries - Guerilla Dub [Burning Sounds #BS 1028]
- Black Slate & Soul Syndicate - Moodie In Dub Vol 1 [Moodie Music]
- Blackbeard - Strictly Dub Wize [Ballistic #LBR 1013]
- Bunny Wailer - Dubd'sco Vol 1 [Solomonic #none]
- Burning Spear - Living Dub [Island #PRE LP 3]
- Carl Campbell - Zion Dub [Carl's #CR 1005]
- Carl Harvey - Ecstasy Of Mankind [Cancer #CAN LP 003]
- Chalawa - Exodus Dub [Sky Note #SKY LP 14]
- Clive Hunt - Orthodox Dub [Magic Fire #MFLP 1001]
- Creation Rebel - Dub From Creation [Hitrun #APLP 9001]
- Creation Rebel - Starship Africa [4D Rhythms #4DLP 1]
- Cultural Roots - Cultural Roots Dub [Rub-A-Dub]
- Culture - Culture In Dub [Sky Note #SKY LP 16]
- D-Roy Band - Orthodox Dub [D-Roy #MFLP 1001]
- D. Witter - Mawamba Dub (Warrior) [D-Roy #DRLP 1001]
- DEB Music Players - 20th Century DEB-Wise [DEB #DEBLP 06]
- DEB Music Players - Umoja [DEB #DEBLP 03]
- Fatman Riddim Section - Bald Head Justice [Top Ranking #none]
- Fatman Riddim Section - Israel Tafari [Top Ranking]
- Force Of Music - Freedom Fighters Dub [Ballistic #UAG 30190]
- G.G's All-Star - The Three Dreads From Zion [GG's #GG 011]
- Gregory Isaacs - Slum In Dub [Burning Sounds #BS 1010]
- Harry Mudie & King Tubby - Harry Mudie Meet King Tubby's In Dub Conference Vol 3 [Moodisc #HM 112]
- Horsemouth Wallace - Original Armageddon Dub [Stable One]
- Inner Circle & Fatman Riddim Section - Heavyweight Dub + Killer Dub [Blood And Fire #BAFCD 029]
- Inner Circle - Killer Dub [Top Ranking #DSR 5620]
- Israel Vibration - The Same Song Dub Version [Top Ranking #none]
- Joe Gibbs - African Dub All-Mighty Chapter 3 [Lightning #LIP 12]
- Junior Soul - Soul Man Dub [Burning Vibrations #BV 1003]
- Leggo Beast & Ossie All Stars - Leggo Dub [Cash & Carry]
- Linval Thompson - Negrea Love Dub [Trojan #TRLS 153]
- Mighty Diamonds - Planet Mars Dub [Virgin #FL 1010]
- Mighty Threes - Dub [April]
- Ossie Hibbert & Revolutionaries - Satisfaction In Dub [Live And Love #LAP 005]
- Phil Pratt - Star Wars Dub [Burning Sounds #BS 1019]
- Prince Far I & Arabs - Cry Tuff Dub Encounter I [Hitrun #APLP 9002]
- Revolutionaries - Dread At The Controls Dub [Hawkeye #HALP 001]
- Revolutionaries - Dub Expression [High Note #SP 154]
- Revolutionaries - Earthquake Dub [Joe Gibbs]
- Revolutionaries - Jonkanoo Dub [Cha Cha #CHALP 005]
- Revolutionaries - Reaction In Dub [Cha Cha #CHALP 002]
- Revolutionaries - Satta Dub Strictly Roots [Well Charge]
- Revolutionaries - Sentimental Dub [Germain #none]
- Revolutionaries - Top Ranking Dub [Duke Reid]
- Rockers All Stars - Chanting Dub With The Help Of The Father [Hungry Town]
- Simeons - Dub Conference In London [Freedom Sounds (UK) #FSLP 002]
- Sons Of Negus - Rastafari In Dub [Top Ranking]
- Sylvan Morris & Harry J. - Cultural Dub [Harry J #HJLP 8709]
- The Agrovators - Jammies In Lion Dub Style [Live And Love #LAP 004]
- Tradition - Tell Your Friends About Dub [RCA #PL 25169]
- Yabby You - Beware [Grove Music #GMLP 4]
- Joe Gibbs - African Dub Chapter 3 & 4 [Rocky One #RGCD 024]
- Israel Vibration - Israel Dub [Greensleeves #GRELCD 510]
- Scientist - Scientific Dub [Tad's]
- Aggrovators & Revolutionaries - Rockers Almighty Dub [Clocktower #CTLP 0102]
- Barrington Levy - Barrington Levy In Dub [Auralux #LUXXCD 015]
- Bullwackie's All Stars - Black World Dubwise [Hardwax #LP 1040]
- Chalawa - Chalawa Meets Chapter XII [IBC Reggae]
- Crucial Bunny Vs Prince Jammy - Fat Man Dub Contest [Star #PTLP 1008]
- Dr. Alimantado - Kings Bread Dub [Ital Sounds #ISDA 5001]
- Elroy Bailey - Red Hot Dub [Burning Vibrations #BV 1006]
- Fatman Riddim Section - Fatman Reddim Section Meets Downtown Horns At Channel One [Top Ranking #TR 79]
- Fatman Riddim Section - Tough Guys In Dub [Top Ranking]
- Hugh Mundell & Augustus Pablo - Africa Must Be Free By 1983 Dub [Rockers #RAS-3202]
- I Roy - Cancer [Virgin #FLX 4001]
- Joe Gibbs & Professionals - African Dub Chapter 4 [Joe Gibbs]
- Joe Gibbs - Majestic Dub [IBC Reggae #4B064-62148]
- Keith Hudson - Nuh Skin Up Dub [Joint International]
- Mighty Diamonds - Deeper Roots Dub [E&J #FLD 6001]
- Mike Brooks & Stamper Doctor - Dub Zone [Teams #EBLP 01]
- Mikey Dread - African Anthem [DATC #DATCLP 002]
- Mikey Dread - At The Control Dubwise [DATC]
- Phillip Fullwood & Winston McKenzie - Words In Dub [Jah Marcus #WM 007]
- Prince Far I - Cry Tuff Dub Encounter II [Virgin #FLX 4002]
- Prince Far I - Dub To Africa [Hitrun #APLP 9006]
- Prince Hammer - World War Dub Part 1 [Hitrun #APLP 9007]
- Prince Jammy - Kamikazi Dub [Trojan #TRLS 174]
- Reggae Clinic - Take Five Caravan Wheels [CNR #657.557]
- Revolutionaries - Burning Dub [Burning Vibrations #BV 1010]
- Revolutionaries - Dub Out Her Blouse & Skirt [Germain #none]
- Revolutionaries - Dutch Man Dub [Burning Vibrations #BV 1002]
- Revolutionaries - Goldmine Dub [Greensleeves #GREL 4]
- Revolutionaries - Green Bay Dub [Burning Vibrations #BV 1004]
- Revolutionaries - Outlaw Dub [Trojan #TRLS 169]
- Revolutionaries - Roots Man Dub [GG's #GG 032]
- Sly Dunbar - Sly, Wicked And Slick [Virgin #FL 1042]
- Soferno B - Soferno B In Dub 1980 Style [Soferno B #SOFLP 001]
- The Force Of Music - Liberated Dub [Tamoki Wambesi #TWLP 1052]
- The Rass-es Band & Prince Jammy - Harder Na Rass [Ballistic #LBR 1031]
- Yabby You & Michael Prophet - Vocal & Dub [Prophet #DSR 8399]
- Yabby You Meets Sly & Robbie - Yabby You Meets Sly & Robbie At The Mixing Lab Studio [Prophet]
- African Brothers & King Tubby - The African Brothers Meets King Tubby In Dub [Nature Sounds #NSD 116]
- Agrovators Meet Revolutionaries - Agrovators Meet Revolutionaries Part II [Micron #MICCAN 0005]
- B.B. Seaton - Gun Court Dub Vol 2 [Soul Beat #SBCD 008]
- B.B. Seaton - Gun Court Dub Vol 4 [Soul Beat #SBLP 015]
- Bunny Lee & Aggrovators - Presents Super Dub Disco Style [Jamaica Sound #JSLP 013]
- Carlton Barrett & Family Man - The Sound Of Macka Dub [Clocktower #CTLP 0118]
- Carlton Patterson & King Tubby - Psalms Of Drums [Pressure Sounds #PSCD 12]
- Clive Smith - Stepping Forward In Dub [Forward]
- Duke Reid - Treasure Dub [Treasure Isle #001 DUB SERIES]
- Errol Brown - Pleasure Dub [Treasure Isle #002 DUB SERIES]
- Ethnic Fight Band - Music Explosion [Ethnic Fight #EF 4444]
- Fatman Riddim Section - Heavyweight Dub [Top Ranking]
- King Tubby - Answer The Dub [Roots Tradition]
- King Tubby - Laser Rock [Lagoon #LG2-1039]
- King Tubby - Majestic Dub [Star #PTPLP 1028]
- King Tubby - Penwood Walk [Lagoon]
- King Tubby - Psalm Of The Time Dub [Tamoki Wambesi #TWLP 1024]
- King Tubby - The Dub Organiser [Black Solidarity]
- King Tubby - Water Dub [Lagoon #LG2-1055]
- Lee Scratch Perry - Megaton Dub Vol 1 [Seven Leaves #SLLP 2]
- Lee Scratch Perry - Megaton Dub Vol 2 [Seven Leaves #SLLP 5]
- Page One - Rock A Dub [Jamaica Sound #JSLP 006]
- Prince Jammy v. King Tubby - His Majestys Dub [Sky Juice #SJ 003]
- Ranking Barnabas - The Cold Crusher [Express #AMALGAMATED 1001]
- Revolutionaries - Channel 1 Revisited Dub [Top Beat #TBX 004]
- Revolutionaries - Dawn Of Creation [Sagittarius #SULP 3]
- Revolutionaries - Dub Plate Specials [Jamaican Recordings #JRCD 003]
- Revolutionaries - Macca Rootsman Dub [Jamaican Gold #JMC 200.218]
- Revolutionaries - Medley Dub [High Note]
- Revolutionaries - Phase 1 Dubwise Vol 1&2 [Sprint #PRFCD 004/5]
- Ronnie Davis - Jamming In Dub [Jamaican Recordings #JRCD 024]
- Roots Radics Meets Scientist & King Tubby - In A Dub Explosion [Roots]
- Roots Rockers - Fe Me Dub + Dubwise Shower [Lagoon]
- Roots Rockers - Reggae Masterpieces In Dub Vol 2 [Vista #VSLP 4056]
- Sly , Robbie & Revolutionaries - Hardcore Dub [Original Music #OMLP 010]
- Sly & Robbie - Master Of Ceremony Dub [Imperial #IC 8018]
- Soul Syndicate - Dub Classics [Jamaican Recordings #JRCD 022]
- Sylvan Morris - Reggae Workshop [B&M #none]
- Tommy McCook - Cookin' Shuffle [Jamaica Authentic]
- Tommy McCook - Tommy's Last Stand [Creole (Rhino) #CT 5008]
- Wailers - Tribute To Carly Barrett [Atra #ATRALP 1008]
- Winston Riley - Meditation Dub Vol 1 [Techniques]
- Yabby You Meets Tommy McCook - Yabby You Meets Tommy McCook In Dub [Peacemaker]
- Augustus Pablo - Eastman Dub [RAS #RAS 3038]
- Augustus Pablo - Rockers Meets King Tubby In A Fire House [Rockers]
- Black Ark Players - Black Ark In Dub [Black Ark International #BALP 4000]
- Black Magic - Black Magic Dub [Form #BB 1003]
- Black Roots Players - Ghetto-ology Dubwise [Black Roots #BRLP 2000]
- Chariot Riders - Sensimilla Dub [Crystal]
- Delixx - Uprising In Dub [Micron #WR 001]
- Dennis Bovell - I Wah Dub [EMI]
- Fatman Riddim Section - Is It War Is It Peace [Top Ranking]
- Jah Bunny - Dubbs International [Jah Bunny #JAHLP 1]
- Joe Gibbs - Rockers Carnival [Joe Gibbs]
- Lee Scratch Perry - The Return Of Pipecock Jackson [Black Star Liner #BSLP 9002]
- Linton Kwesi Johnson - LKJ In Dub [Island #ILPS 9650]
- Manzie & Ranking Barnabas - King's Dub [Manzie #DRS LP 002]
- Matumbi - Dub Planet Orbit 1 [Extinguish #MR 007]
- Morwell Unlimited - A.1 Dub [Trojan #TRLS 193]
- Prince Far I - Cry Tuff Dub Encounter III [Daddy Kool #DKLP 15]
- Prince Lincoln Thompson & Royal Rasses - Natural Wild Dub [God Sent]
- Revolutionaires - Dial M For Murder In Dub Style [Express]
- Revolutionaries - I Came, I Saw, I Conquered [Channel One]
- Roots Radics Meet Mighty Revolutionaires - Outernational Riddim [Form #BB 1004]
- Royal Rasses - God Sent Dub [White Label]
- Scientist vs. Papa Tad's - Allied Dub Selection [Tad's #TRDLP 10180]
- Scientist v. Prince Jammy - Big Showdown [Greensleeves #GREL 10]
- Scientist - Heavyweight Dub Champion [Greensleeves #GREL 13]
- Scientist - The Best Dub Album In The World [JB Music #JBLP 004]
- Sly And The Revolutionaries With Jah Thomas - Black Ash Dub [Trojan #TRLS 186]
- UB40 - Signing Off [Graduate #GRADLP 2]
- Winston Edwards & Blackbeard - Dub Conference [Studio 16 #WE 0010]
- World Sound & Power - Mawamba Dub (Warrior) Chapter Two [D-Roy #DRLP 1008]
- African Head Charge - My Life In A Hole In The Ground [On-U Sound #ON-U LP 13]
- Aswad - A New Chapter Of Dub [Island #ILPS 9711]
- Blue Riddim Band - Restless Spirit [Flying Fish #FISH 255]
- Bunny Wailer - Dubd'sco Vol 2 [Solomonic #none]
- Creation Rebel & New Age Steppers - Threat To Creation [Cherry Red #BRED 21]
- Desi All Stars - Dubbing in the U.K. [Starlight #SDLP 902]
- Errol Flabba Holt - Roots Radics Dub [Tad's #TRLP 4881]
- King Culture - In Cultural Mood [King Culture #KC 003]
- King Tubby Meets Roots Radics - Dangerous Dub [Copasetic #COP LP 5002]
- King Tubby & Prince Jammy & Scientist - First, Second And Third Generation Of Dub [KG Imperial #KGLP 002]
- King Tubby - King At The Control [Tad's #TRD LP 41181]
- King Tubby - Upset The Upsetter [Live And Love #LAP 15]
- Mighty Diamonds - Dubwise [Music Works]
- Overnight Players - Babylon Destruction [Cha Cha #CHALP 008]
- Pablo Moses - Pave The Way Dub [Wallboomers]
- Prince Far I - Cry Tuff Dub Encounter IV [Trojan #TRLS 205]
- Prince Jammy - Strictly Dub [Jammys]
- Scientist - Dub Landing [Starlight #SLD 901]
- Scientist - Dub War [Imperial #IC 8016]
- Scientist - Scientist In The Kingdom Of Dub [Kingdom #KVL 9004]
- Scientist Meets Roots Radics - Scientist Meets The Roots Radics [Selena #SLP 001]
- Scientist - Scientist Meets The Space Invaders [Greensleeves #GREL 19]
- Scientist - Scientist Rids The World Of The Evil Curse Of The Vampires [Greensleeves #GREL 25]
- Scientist & Barnabas & Maxie - Three The Hard Way [Silver Camel #SCLP 001]
- Scientist - World At War [Black Ovation #BOR 103]
- Sly & Robbie - Raiders Of The Lost Dub [Island #ILPS 9705]
- Sly & Robbie - The Sixties + Seventies + Eighties = Taxi [Island #ILPS 9668]
- UB40 - Present Arms In Dub [DEP #DEP 2]
- Yabby You & Michael Prophet Meets Scientist - Yabby You & Michael Prophet Meets Scientist At The Dub Station [Prophet]
- Scientist & Prince Jammy - Dub Landing Vol 1 & 2 [Auralux #LUXXCD 017]
- African Head Charge - Environmental Studies [On-U Sound #ON-U LP 19]
- Augustus Pablo - Earth Rightful Ruler [Message #RP 011]
- Black Slate - Six Plus One Dub [Top Ranking #TRY IT 2]
- Black Uhuru & Prince Jammy - Uhuru In Dub [CSA #CSLP 2]
- Crucial Bunny vs Scientist - Dub Duel [Hawkeye #HLP 008]
- Dub Syndicate - Pounding System [On-U Sound #ON-U LP 18]
- Earl Morgan - D.C. Dub Connection [Tele-Tech #TTLP 002-82]
- Fatman Riddim Section - Tribulation Dub [Top Ranking #TRI 3244]
- Fatman Riddim Section - Wagon Of Dub [Top Ranking #TRI 3242]
- Jah Shaka - Commandments Of Dub [Jah Shaka Music #LP 824]
- Junior Dan - KTW Dub [Clappers #CLPS 1984]
- King Tubby & Yabby You - Time To Remember [Prophet]
- King Tubby's And The Agrovators - Dubbing In The Back Yard [Black Music #BMLP 804]
- Mad Professor - Dub Me Crazy [Ariwa #ARILP 001]
- Mad Professor - Dub Me Crazy Part 2 [Ariwa #ARILP 003]
- Mikey Dread Featuring Roots Radics - Dub Catalogue [DATC #DATCLP 005]
- Mikey Dread - Dub Merchant [DATC #DATCLP 009]
- Mikey Dread - Jungle Signal [DATC #DATCLP 008]
- Playgroup - Epic Sound Battles Chapter One [Cherry Red #BRED 28]
- Prince Jammy - Prince Jammy Destroys The Invaders [Greensleeves #GREL 29]
- Ranking Dread - Ranking Dread In Dub [Silver Camel #SCLP 002]
- Roots Radics Featuring Gladstone Anderson - Radical Dub Session [Solid Groove #SGL 102]
- Roots Radics - Radicfaction [Cha Cha #CHALP 012]
- Roots Radics - Roots Radics At Channel One Kingston Jamaica [Live And Love #LAP 100]
- Roots Rockers - Reggae Masterpieces In Dub [Vista #VSLP 4005]
- Ruts DC - Present Rhythm Collision [Bohemian #BOLP 4]
- Scientist & Prince Jammie - Dub Landing Vol: 2 [Starlight #SLD 903]
- Scientist - Heavy Metal Dub [Clocktower #CTLP 0124]
- Scientist - High Priest Of Dub [Kingdom #KVL 9011]
- Scientist - Scientist Encounters Pac-Man [Greensleeves #GREL 46]
- Scientist - Scientist Wins The World Cup [Greensleeves #GREL 37]
- Scientist - The Seducer Dubwise [Hitbound #JJ 082]
- Sir Coxsone Sound - King Of The Dub Rock Part 2 [Regal #RLP 01]
- Sly & Robbie - Dub Rockers Delight [Negus Roots #NERLP 006]
- Sly & Robbie - Syncopation [Joe Gibbs #JGML 6060]
- Sly Dunbar - Sly-Go-Ville [Island #ILPS 9673]
- Style Scott & Flabba Holt - Nurse In Dub [Naive]
- Wackies Rhythm Force - African Roots Act 2 [Wackies #W 0617]
- Linton Kwesi Johnson - LKJ In Dub vol 2 [LKJ #WE 833 (3984248192)]
- African Disciples - Place Called Earth In Dub Vol 1 [Zion Gate]
- African Head Charge - Drastic Season [On-U Sound #ON-U LP 27]
- Black Uhuru - The Dub Factor [Island #MLPS 9756]
- Bullwackie's All Stars - Creation Dub [Wackies #W 0041]
- Don Carlos - Dub Version [Dressed to Kill #METRO 360]
- Dub Syndicate - One Way System [On-U Sound #ON-U LP 25]
- Earl Chinna Smith - Dub It [Nature Sounds #I 498582]
- Jah Shaka - Brimstone And Fire [Jah Shaka Music #LP 831]
- King Tubby - First Prophet Of Dub [Tamoki Wambesi #TWLP 1012]
- King Tubby Meets Scientist - In A Midnight Rock Dub Vol 1 [Abraham]
- King Tubby - King Tubby The Dubmaster With The Waterhouse Posse [Vista #VSLP 4015]
- Mad Professor - Dub Me Crazy Part 3 [Ariwa #ARILP 005]
- Mad Professor - Dub Me Crazy Part 4 [Ariwa #ARILP 011]
- Mad Professor - In A Rub A Dub Style [Blue Moon #BM 105]
- Martin Mandingo Williams - Afrikan History [Mandingo #MAHLP 002]
- Negus Roots Meets The Mad Professor - In A Rub A Dub Style Dub Rockers Vol. 2 [Negus Roots #NERLP 009]
- Prince Jammy - Dub Culture [Dressed to Kill #METRO 356]
- Prince Jammy - Osbourne In Dub [CSA #CSLP 10]
- Scientist - Crucial Cuts Vol 1 [Kingdom #KVC 6004]
- Scientist vs Professor - Dub Duel At King Tubby's [Kingdom #KVL 9015]
- Scientist & Jammy - Scientist & Jammy Strike Back [Trojan #TRLS 210]
- Selassie I Rockers - 30 Pieces Of Dub [Jah Lion #JLLP 801]
- The Mysterious Mixer - Jamaica Super Dub Session [Wackies #W 1720]
- Twinkle Brothers - Dub Massacre [Twinkle #NG 741]
- Wackies Rhythm Force - African Roots Act 3 [Wackies #W 1717]
- Scientist With The Forces Of Music - International Heroes Dub [Tamoki Wambesi #TWLP 1022]
- Twinkle Brothers - Dub Massacre Part 1 & 2 [Twinkle #NGCD 7102]
- Dr. Pablo & Dub Syndicate - North Of The River Thames [On-U Sound #ON-U LP 30]
- Jah Shaka Meets Mad Professor - At Ariwa Sounds [Jah Shaka Music #SALP 001]
- Jah Shaka - Commandments Of Dub Chapter 2 [Jah Shaka Music #LP 841]
- Jah Shaka - Commandments Of Dub Part 3 [Jah Shaka Music #LP 847]
- Joe Gibbs - African Dub Chapter 5 [Joe Gibbs #JGMLP 017]
- Mother Nature - A Breath Of Fresh Air [Ariwa #ARILP 017]
- Peter Chemist & Scientist - 1999 Dub [Heartbeat]
- Peter Chemist - Dub Mixture [Kingdom #KVL 9020]
- Peter Chemist - Dub Prescription [Kingdom #KVL 9018]
- Roots Radics - Roots Dub Style [Scorpio #DK 1011]
- Scientist - Crucial Cuts Vol 2 [Kingdom #KVC 6005]
- Sly & Robbie - A Dub Experience [Island #MLPS 9787]
- Sly & Robbie - Hot Dub [Keytone #KYT 739]
- Tad's Logic Dub Band - Chapter 1 Dub Mix [Tad's #TRD 14484]
- Twinkle Brothers - Dub Massacre 2 [Twinkle #NG 502]
- Bebo - In A Dub Style [Bebo's #BB 097]
- Dub Syndicate - Tunes From The Missing Channel [On-U Sound #ON-U LP 38]
- Jah Shaka - Commandments Of Dub Part 5 [Jah Shaka Music #LP 856]
- Jah Shaka - Commandments Part 4 [Jah Shaka Music #LP 851]
- Jah Shaka Meets Aswad - In Addis Ababa Studio [Jah Shaka Music #LP 850]
- Mad Professor - A Caribbean Taste of Technology [Ariwa #ARILP 025]
- Mad Professor - Dub Me Crazy Part 5 [Ariwa #ARILP 021]
- Prince Far I - Megabit 25, 1922 [Tamoki Wambesi #TWLP 1066]
- Prince Jammy - Dub War Vol. 1 [Vista #VSLP 4039]
- Robotiks - Man And Machine [Ariwa #ARILP 019]
- Roots Radics - Freelance [Kingdom #KVL 9021]
- Dennis Bovell & The Dub Band - Audio Active [Moving Target #MTD 008]
- Gussie P. - Burial Dub [Digikal #DIG DLP 001]
- Pablo Black - Charcoal Charlie [Tamoki Wambesi #TWLP 1015]
- Prince Jammy - Computerised Dub [Greensleeves #GREL 92]
- Robotiks - My Computer's Acting Strange [Ariwa #ARILP 027]
- Taxi Gang - Electro Reggae [Island #ISSP 4012]
- Bim Sherman - Ghetto Dub [Century #DC 4114]
- Black Slate - Ogima [TCD #TCDLP 2]
- Bobby Kalphat - The War Is On Dub Style [Phil Pratt #SSLP 1007]
- Bullwackie's All Stars - Natures Dub [Wackies #WCD 306]
- Easy - Surinam Dub [Roots Music Intl #RMI 079.1]
- Gladstone Anderson All Stars - Peace Pipe Dub [Seven Leaves #SLLP 4]
- Jah Lloyd - Dread Lion Dub [His Majesty #HMLP 1003]
- Junia Walker All Stars - Dub Jusic [Wallboomers #WBJ 02]
- Negus Roots Players - Sip A Cup Mts Negus Roots [Gussie #GPLP 018]
- Prince Douglas - Dub Roots [Wackies #WAC 295]
- Red Cloud Band - Red Cloud In Dub [Echo #STLP 1009]
- Roots Radics Meet Soul Syndicate - Roots Radics Meet Soul Syndicate In Dub [Razor Sounds #none]
- Roots Radics - Roots Splashdown [Body Music #BMZLP 12]
- Roots Radics - Roy Cousins Presents The Kings And Queens Of Dub [Tamoki Wambesi #TWLP 1017]
- Scientist - Repatriation Dub [Tamoki Wambesi #TWLP 1058]
- Scientist - The People's Choice [Kingdom #KVL 9014]
- Sly & Robbie - Gamblers Choice [Taxi #DSR 9276]
- Sly & Robbie - Presents The Sixties, Seventies, Eighties Vol. II [Taxi #TXI 0832]
- Sojie - Rebel Soldier [Taxi #DSR 5630]
- Sonia Pottinger - Marcus Garvey [Roots Music Intl]
- Sugar Minott - Good Thing Going [RCA #RCALP 3051]
- Techniques All Stars - 357 Magnum Dub [C&W #WR 503]
- Wackies Rhythm Force - African Roots Act 4 [Wackies #W 2453]
- Wackies Rhythm Force - The Dub Generals [Wackies #WRCD 2191]
- Yabby U Meets Sly & Robbie Along With Tommy McCook - Yabby You Meets Sly & Robie Along With Tommy McCook [WLN #WLN LP 001]
- Burning Spear - Living Dub Vol 1 [Heartbeat #CDHB 131]
- Burning Spear - Living Dub Vol 2 [Burning Music]
- Linton Kwesi Johnson - LKJ In Dub vol 3 [LKJ #LKJCD 021]
[Date unknown]
- Dub Specialist - 17 Dub Shots From Studio 1 [Heartbeat #CDHB 142]
- Dub Specialist - African Rub A Dub [Studio 1 #SOLP 0133]
- Dub Specialist - Better Dub [Studio 1 #SELP 001]
- Dub Specialist - Bionic Dub [Studio 1 #CN 3049]
- Dub Specialist - Dub Store Special [Studio 1 #SOL 9001]
- Dub Specialist - Hi Fashion Dub Top Ten [Studio 1 #SOL 119]
- Dub Specialist - Juck's Incorporation [Studio 1 #SOLP 50109]
- Dub Specialist - Roots Dub [Studio 1 #SOLP 50153]
- Dub Specialist - Sample Dub [Studio 1 #none]
- Dub Specialist - Zodiac Sounds [Studio 1 #SOLP 2224]